To see the 29 paintings presented during the exhibition, please click on the thumbnails below.

For any further information either on the artist or on the paintings still available as of now, please contact directly our Art Gallery at Artgentharius Conseils Sàrl, Geneva

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James Mackeown

Nov. 2016 – Apr. 2017

Jean-Pierre Grandi is really honoured to present the James Mackeown recent paintings, an artist well known and highly valued by the Geneva collectors. Of Irish descent, James has lived on many different sea shores but is finally established since a long time in France.

On the agenda, his constant themes of inspiration: beaches and horizons for meditation, coastal undergrowths, interiors and intimist windows, some convivial cafés and Venice, the eternal dreamy city.

This kind of painting, full of intimacy and escaping from the constraints of time, is simply an invitation to the contemplation and to the spirit’s strolling.